
A Perspective: Is Mental Health a Social Cause for Any Age?

Nov 2024 | Blogs, resources

Our mental health is a fragile balance, influenced by many different factors, especially those around us. From childhood to adulthood experiences, it can significantly impact how we feel and think.

Regardless of age, we can all be affected by the world around us. These external influences can shape our emotions and behaviours, sometimes leading to challenging situations. At Safe Expanse, recognising these issues is the first step towards healing.

By asking ourselves, “Is mental health a social cause,” we can better seek the support we need to feel better.


Why Are All Ages Affected by Social Causes?

Social factors can affect mental health across all age groups. Here are some common examples:


Children and Adolescents

Negative social experiences, like bullying and pressure from friends, can seriously affect the mental health of young people. These situations can lead to feelings of anxiety, sadness, and low self-worth.

There are also possible problems at home, such as violence, conflict between parents, or a lack of care, which can also have lasting emotional effects.



Without affordable counselling in Singapore, adults often get trapped with various challenges that can impact their mental well-being, such as:

  • Stress from Work: Worrying about job security, facing a toxic environment, or balancing work and personal life.
  • Relationship Problems: Breakups, divorce, or conflicts with friends and family.
  • Discrimination: Unfair treatment based on race, gender, or sexual orientation.


When It’s Hard, It’s Hard. And It’s Ok!

Asking for help with mental health issues shows strength, not weakness, no matter how old you are. Safe Expanse therapists are trained to understand people’s different challenges at any age. We create a secure environment.

Care to share? You deserve support and a chance to feel good again. Book a therapist today!