Mental health continues to be a growing concern, especially in the workplace. A health survey conducted in Singapore revealed that about 17% of those aged 17 to 74 in Singapore report facing some form of mental health issue. And it’s not just in Singapore: according to the World Health Organisation (WHO), 15% of working adults worldwide suffer from poor mental health.
Among the work-related causes of mental health issues include discrimination and inequality, lack of job security, excessive workloads, and low job control. Various government bodies have introduced policies geared towards establishing healthier workplaces in Singapore, with an emphasis on both physical and mental wellbeing. And while these initiatives have made a difference, organisations can do a wealth of good by actively supporting mental health through employee mental wellness programs.
How Mental Wellness Programs Benefit Organisations
The Tripartite advisory on mental health and well-being in the workplace recommends several ways organisations can ensure a mentally conducive workplace, and one of them is to organise and curate mental health programmes and resources. These programmes, also known as employee assistance programs may take the form of lunchtime talks, or subsidised access to counselling sessions.
Here’s how these employee mental wellness programs can benefit your workplace, at an organisational, team and individual level.
Reduce Workplace Absenteeism
Human resource firm Mercer has projected that Singapore’s annual loss due to workplace absenteeism and sick leaves may hit $3.3 billion by 2030.
Significant contributing factors to employee absenteeism include stress and burnout. Given that two-thirds of workers in Singapore show at least one of three indicators of burn-out (exhaustion, cynicism and reduced personal efficacy) it’s not surprising that a significantly high amount of workers in Singapore feel de-energised at work.
Low moods are often tied to physical health, leading to workers falling sick or experiencing emotions that prevent them from functioning productively. As a result, workers miss work more often. Organisations not only have to contend with lost productivity, but also shoulder the burden of managing administrative costs tied to absenteeism, higher medical claims, and having to fill in labour gaps.
Increase Productivity
Employees who are mentally healthy are able to focus better, and therefore be more productive at work. Furthermore, they will be able to function optimally, hence leading to improved problem solving and task management skills.
As they continue to flourish with a company, their contributions will also increase, eventually benefitting the company’s bottom line and profitability. Communication will also improve, leading to a more conducive environment for their co-workers.
Increase Employee Retention
Retaining talents is an important part of ensuring that your organisation continues to grow. High turnover rates contribute to higher recruitment costs, thereby raising operational expenditures. Frequently changing employees also leads to prolonged gaps in labour and skills, as well as requiring additional time and resources to train new staff members.
Employees who feel satisfied and fulfilled in their role tend to stay on for longer periods. Additionally, lower turnover rates allow organisations to benefit from the accumulated experiences of long-term employees, as well as the skills they have developed on the job.
Attract The Right Talents
Companies with a reputation for promoting mental health are perceived as caring and responsible employers. As such, the best and brightest talents will find the company attractive and consider joining them as they know they will be well looked after.
Developing A Good Reputation
In addition to attracting new talents, organisations that pay attention to their employees’ mental health are considered to be forward-thinking and ethical by their peers, leading to more opportunities. In a landscape where a good reputation is worth its weight in gold, a proactive stance on mental health can foster a beneficial network of business relationships.
Read more: Guide to Promoting Mental Wellness in the Workplace
What can Experienced Therapists Offer
Mental health programmes for the workplace can take on a variety of forms. A trained mental health therapist will be able to help you navigate and implement these programs. Here are some of the ways trained therapists may be able to help.
Mental Health Training Courses
One of the strategies recommended by the American Psychological Association (APA) to enhance workplace mental health is to train managers to promote mental wellbeing. Managers and supervisors who work directly with teams can benefit from short mental health awareness courses, where they are trained to recognise the signs of burnout, stress and other issues.
Higher level employees can also be trained to communicate better, and provide mental health support as a lay person. This is sometimes called ‘mental health first aid’ and involves providing the necessary support to colleagues in an accepting, safe and non-judgemental manner.
Awareness and Management Programmes
In addition to training employees to be mental health advocates, employers can also conduct lunchtime sessions to support their workforce. These educational sessions can cover issues such as recognising various mental health symptoms, how to manage stress, and how to build and maintain healthy relationships.
These sessions can equip employees with the right tools and knowledge to manage their own mental health, and will allow them to recognise the need to reach out for professional help if necessary.
Read more: Why is Asking for Help Important for Mental Health?
Confidential Employee Counselling
As part of your company’s Employee Assistance Programme, you may also want to make employee counselling accessible to your employees. With a focus on problem-solving, mental health therapists will be able to guide employees to develop healthy coping strategies and become healthier versions of themselves.
Trained therapists will be able to provide workers a safe space where they can discuss not just the challenges they face at work, but personal issues as well. Through these sessions, they will be able to build a more positive attitude towards work and professional growth.
Provide Consultation for Policy-Making
Apart from employee mental wellness programmes, therapists will be able to provide feedback and recommendations to improve workplace mental health policies. Their professional guidance will equip you with the insights you’ll need to create a workplace that’s fulfilling and supportive, whilst optimising productivity in a sustainable manner.
In Conclusion
Employers should know that they are not alone in the journey to create a more mentally supportive workplace. The Singapore Health Promotion Board provides many resources which your organisation can tap into. Among these are Co-funding arrangements, whereby the HPB will co-fund mental wellness programmes up to $280 per session.
Reach out to Safe Expanse to learn more about our EAP programme or how we can help your company build a healthier, happier and more fulfilling workplace.