
Mental Therapy in Singapore

Jul 2024 | lifestyle, mental wellness, resources

Did you know that 2 in 5 people in Singapore have experienced mental health struggles, a figure that rises to 1 in 2 among young adults aged 15 to 35. 

Despite this worrying figure, there’s a silver lining: more and more people are becoming open to the idea of seeking mental health support from both professionals and informal support networks, such as friends and family. 

Safe Expanse provides a variety of mental health therapy services for both adults and children as well couples and families. We also provide corporate employee assistance programs for organisations looking to offer timely intervention and support for the wide range of issues that employees might face. 

Recognising The Need for Mental Therapy as Adults

A pertinent question many may have is whether they really need mental therapy, and how to recognise the signs. Indeed, one reason for mental health treatment delay is the lack of awareness regarding symptoms. Other cited contributors include scheduling conflicts, stigma, and individuals wanting to resolve their own problems. 

Overcoming these barriers is easier now, more than ever. For example, at Safe Expanse, we’ve gone to great lengths to create an environment where people can feel safe and comfortable sharing their thoughts. In addition, more organisations are recognising the need for mental health support, and are normalising mental health discussions or making it easier to seek help. 

Nevertheless, it is important to know that mental therapy in Singapore is available to all, and not just those with signs traditionally related to mental illnesses. 

Here are some of the experiences, feelings and situations which a mental health professional can help you navigate:

  • Feeling overwhelmed on a daily basis and unable to cope
  • Changes in sleep patterns, either sleeping too much or trouble falling asleep/staying asleep
  • Inability to focus on work, or other tasks in life
  • Feelings of worthlessness or hopelessness that don’t go away
  • Experienced a traumatic event (such as an accident or natural disaster) that continues to cause distress
  • Facing a serious crisis in life and not knowing how to resolve it
  • Feelings of grief over the loss of a loved one
  • Dealing with a major life changes, with trouble adjusting
  • Having relationship issues, either with a partner or with family members
  • Grappling with substance addiction or abuse
  • Traumatic experiences or domestic abuse by a caregiver or partner
  • A lack of motivation that lasts for a long time

In addition to working with you through your challenges, therapists can also provide coaching for individuals who want to enhance their behaviours or achieve a certain goal in their lives. This can be done in an individual or corporate setting, depending on your needs. 

Recognising The Need for Mental Therapy in Children

Children are a highly vulnerable group and unlike adults, may not be able to express themselves as easily or access mental health services on their own. As such, the responsibility to recognise the need for help in children falls to their primary caregivers. 

Keeping communication lines open with your children and encouraging them to express themselves and open up is key to gauge their mental state more accurately. Here are some signs to look out for in the younger members of your family, including teenagers:

  • Sudden changes in behaviour, such as a talkative child suddenly becoming quiet
  • Reduced interaction with family and friends
  • Attempting to self-harm
  • Changes in appetite, either overeating or refusing to eat
  • Loss of interest in activities they were previously active in
  • More lethargic than usual, and lacking motivation
  • Sudden changes in academic performance, such as poorer grades
  • Increased irritability and grumpiness
  • Refusing to go to school, or other educational activities

You may also want to consult other stakeholders in your child’s life such as their teachers, religious leaders or other caregivers for a better understanding of what your child is going through. It is also important to intervene should you learn that your child is being subjected to bullying at school or elsewhere. 

What Can A Mental Therapist Do?

Therapy sessions provide you a safe and secure space in which you can share your concerns, and explore possible solutions with the help of a non-judgemental and accepting therapist. Safe Expanse’s’ team of therapists are exactly that, we aim to provide best possible care, with treatments tailored to meet your mental health needs. 

Contact us today for any questions you may have, or set up a complimentary 15 minute discovery call, where you can personally speak to our friendly staff to learn how we can support your mental health and wellbeing.