
Why is Therapy Good for Mental Health?

Jul 2024 | lifestyle, mental wellness, resources

7Despite improving attitudes in Singapore regarding mental health, only 56.6% of Singaporeans in a recent survey were willing to seek professional help. Much of the reluctance can be attributed to the stigma of seeking treatment. Often, seeing a mental health professional is perceived as a weakness or a disability. In short, many are fearful of being ridiculed or negatively stereotyped.

Despite prevailing myths, mental health issues are as real as physical illnesses and can be effectively treated with timely detection and intervention. Journey with us as we look closer at why therapy is good for mental health and wellbeing.

How Talk Therapy Aids Mental Health

The leading mental health issues in our world today are anxiety and depressive disorders, followed by bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), schizophrenia and eating disorders. Modern management strategies for mental health conditions include medication, psychotherapy and rehabilitation services.

Psychotherapy, often called talk therapy or counselling therapy, involves sessions which are conducted by trained therapists, social workers, or psychologists. They can be done through one-on-one interactions or in group settings. 

Essentially, these sessions are designed to help you change negative thoughts and develop more positive ways of thinking. Your therapist will also be able to impart certain proven techniques to deal with your condition and build more resilience. 

The Benefits of of Therapy for Mental Health

Why is therapy good for mental health? One does not necessarily need an official diagnosis to seek therapy. Therapy can help you if you’re facing hard times, experiencing the loss of a loved one, going through stress or feel overwhelmed as a whole. Here’s how psychotherapy can benefit your mental wellbeing:

1. Heal From Past Traumas

Painful past experiences can have a significant negative impact on one’s current condition. For example, individuals who have been abused or had adverse experiences as children often develop anxiety, depression or substance abuse in adulthood. 

Through the therapy process you’ll be guided to uncover painful memories, emotions or experiences which have left a significant impact. Uncovering the root cause of your current condition can lead to deeper self-realisation. It can also help you to accept the past, develop ways of overcoming it and hence thrive better in your present situation. 

2. Manage Stress Better

Everyone experiences stress differently. While some people are able to cope, others find themselves becoming easily overwhelmed. Stress can lead to many physical symptoms, such as sleep disturbances, aches and pains, a lowered immune system and fatigue. 

With therapy, you will be able to develop healthy approaches to stress, and reduce unhealthy coping mechanisms like alcohol and smoking. You’ll also be able to gradually identify negative thought patterns and challenge them, replacing them with more positive beliefs.

3. Build a Healthier Self Esteem

The link between low self-esteem and mental health issues have been well established. Those who seek therapy for depression often perceive themselves negatively. These feelings are often reinforced during childhood, usually through interactions with caregivers, educators or peers. . 

Through techniques such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, you will be able to challenge your core beliefs about yourself and view yourself in a more compassionate light. Therapists and mental health counsellors will also work with you towards self acceptance, building self identity and regaining self love.

4. Have Better Relationships

Discovering more about yourself can help you connect with yourself and communicate better with others. Therapy is also able to help uncover the root causes for why you may be avoiding relationships or having challenging interaction patterns and begin the healing process. 

Therapy isn’t just limited to individuals, and can involve couples and family members as well. With support from the therapist, a healthier relationship with your loved ones can be fostered by exploring past experiences and sharing with each other. It can also encourage more productive conflict resolution, avoiding repeated frictions that may have been a stumbling block to your relationships.

5. Develop Stronger Adaptability

As a species, human beings have evolved to be highly adaptable to our surroundings. This is a key characteristic that therapy can help you rediscover. With suitable therapeutic methods, you’ll find that you can adjust better to different challenges that may come your way. 

This means approaching problems and challenges head-on, in a healthy and constructive manner. Therapy will help you develop a stronger sense of self-identity and self-control, minimising the need to depend on external validation or achievements to feel fulfilled.

6. Empowered to be More Productive

Poor mental health can often lead to exhaustion and fatigue, leaving you little energy to focus on the other aspects of your life. With therapeutic help, you will be able to have a refreshed and rejuvenated mind, thereby allowing you to achieve your goals in terms of your relationships, career and others.

As you discover more about yourself, you will also have more courage to explore the opportunities that make you happy, such as pursuing a career that closely matches your passions. As you move towards self-actualization, you’ll find yourself being more productive and feeling more secure. 

7. Improve Physical Health

Mental health is closely related to physical health, and a poor mental state can negatively affect your physical wellbeing. Studies have shown that mental health issues can lead to an exacerbation of chronic illnesses, affect your sleep, cause aches and pains, lead to substance abuse, and even cause skin conditions. 

Those working towards better mental wellbeing have more motivation to care for themselves, such as exercising and eating healthier meals. Therefore, your physical welfare will improve as a result. 

In Conclusion 

Therapy is often misunderstood as simply pouring your heart out to your therapist and having a shoulder to cry on. Although sharing your thoughts and being transparent is a large part of therapy, much of it also involves scientifically proven techniques and methods you can practise (prescribed by a qualified therapist), which can become more effective over time. 

At Safe Expanse, our therapists specialise in different therapeutic methodologies, which can be tailored to fit your specific needs. We provide a safe and supportive environment where you can work through your issues, with professional guidance and empathic understanding.  

Feel free to connect with us online to gain clarification on any enquiries you may have. We are here to help you live a happier and more fulfilling life, as well as develop resilience to face all the challenges you may encounter.